Greenie Moms

Advice from Greenie Parents

Wisdom from the Parent Council

It's a big deal to send your son to boarding school. To ease the transition, a group of moms from the Parent Council came together to share their wisdom. Every family gets a copy of "Inside Info from Christ School Moms" at Registration, and the information inside ranges from...

the profound

"Attend as many of your son's athletic events as you can. He may not TELL you how much your presence means, but it will mean more to you both than you may realize."

to the practical

"Asheville Airport is about five miles from campus for those who will be flying. Look over the school calendar in the summer and consider booking all flights for your son for the year to get the best rates."

to the basics

"Give him a stack of pre-addressed and stamped postcards. You might get one back."