Whom to Contact
The main school number is (828) 684-6232
Academic Program
Emily Pulsifer P'15, P'17 | Ext. 122 | epulsifer@christschool.org
Palmer Straughn | Ext. 118 | pstraughn@christschool.org
Advisor Program
Lisa Darling | ldarling@christschool.org
Angelus (Yearbook)
Donna Wheeler P'21 | Ext. 104 | dwheeler@christschool.org
Announcements at Meals and Assemblies
Steve Stay P'27 | Ext. 102 | sstay@christschool.org
Administrator on Duty (AOD)
Administrator on Duty | (828) 242-8114
Josh Coley | Ext. 113 | jcoley@christschool.org
Drew Hyche '94 | Ext. 181 | dhyche@christschool.org
Banking and Check Cashing
Cissy Elmer P'09, P'13 | Ext. 152 | celmer@christschool.org
Lane Shelton | Ext. 105 | lshelton@christschool.org
Books, Supplies, and Post Office
Cissy Elmer P'09, P'13 | Ext. 152 | celmer@christschool.org
Business and Finance
Tonya Richardson | Ext. 168 | trichardson@christschool.org
College Guidance
Kirk Blackard | Ext. 110 | kblackard@christschool.org
Tracy Weldon | ext. 112 | tweldon@christschool.org
Technology | Ext. 144 | support@christschool.org
Mr. Hyche | Ext. 181 | dhyche@christschool.org
Mr. Ramsey | Ext. 107 | rramsey@christschool.org
AOD (828) 242-8114
Extracurricular Activities
James Cassarino | Ext. 125 | jcassarino@christschool.org
Community Service
Olga Mahoney P'20 | Ext. 226 | omahoney@christschool.org
Katharine Hoffman | Ext. 240 | khoffman@christschool.org
National Honor Society
Dr. Harris | bharris@christschool.org
Outdoor Program
Mr. Ramsey | rramsey@christschool.org
Struan (Literary Magazine)
Mrs. Pulsifer | epulsifer@christschool.org
Student Activities
Mr. Goodrum | jgoodrum@christschool.org
Honor Council
Dr. Brent Harris | Ext. 216 | bharris@christschool.org
International Student Program
Mr. Straughn | Ext. 115 | pstraughn@christschool.org
Learning Resources
Mr. Peterson | Ext. 111 | jpeterson@christschool.org
Mr. Hyche | Ext. 181 | dhyche@christschool.org
Maintenance and Repairs
Danny Elmer P'09, P'13 | Ext. 116 | delmer@christschool.org
or Houseparent of the dorm in question
Off Campus Permissions
Drew Hyche '94 | Ext. 181 | dhyche@christschool.org
Personal Concerns/Counseling
Lisa Garner P'24 | ext. 114 | lgarner@christschool.org
Residential Life
Benjie Colberg | Ext. 182 | bcolberg@christschool.org
Benjie Colberg | Ext. 182 | bcolberg@christschool.org
Safety and Security
Ron Ramsey | Ext. 107 | rramsey@christschool.org
Schedule or Course Changes
Steve Stay P'27 | Ext. 102 | sstay@christschool.org
Testing (PSAT, SAT, etc)
Tracy Weldon | Ext. 112 | tweldon@christschool.org
Website and Other Communications Needs
Andrew Pearson | Ext. 124 | apearson@christschool.org