Will Laney '21 Earns Eagle Scout Badge

Billy Peebles '72 and Will Laney '21.

Like others at Christ School before him, Will Laney ’21 wanted his Eagle Scout service project to have a personal feel.

Considering the amount of time he has spent in St. Joseph’s Chapel, it shouldn’t be a big surprise that Will gave some love to another historic church. The junior restored the ironwork of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, a place of worship that has existed since the 1800s in his hometown of Columbia, S.C.

Will and his family are members at Trinity and he is part of Boy Scout Troop 10 in Columbia. Will’s Eagle court of honor ceremony was held over Spring Break. Among the attendees were his uncle, Billy Peebles ’72.

Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable through the Boy Scouts of America. Since 1911, only four percent of Scouts have qualified for the rank after a lengthy review process. Many of them have been Greenies – it is not unusual for Christ School’s student body to have a dozen or more Eagle Scouts at one time.