Bloom Hamner

S.C.A.T.E. Night Catches On

S.C.A.T.E. Night Catches On

Students, faculty find their voice through arts event

Start with the acronym.

S.C.A.T.E. stands for Sharing Creative Arts Through Expression. S.C.A.T.E Night has become all that and more in two short years at Christ School.

Tuesday was the third S.C.A.T.E. Night for this school year. There was not an empty seat to be had in the Kennedy-Herterich Art Studio as Kobi Selby '19 emceed an evening of performances from students and faculty. Director of Residential Life Isaac Rankin read some of his poetry to start things off. Richard Lytle '20 wrapped up the night by playing a blues number on the piano.

"To see my peers join in and share is such a fulfilling feeling," Kobi said. "It really shines a light on how beautiful and special S.C.A.T.E. Night is. Getting to discover and connect with people we normally wouldn't, to see their gifts and talents, is what really motivated me to be a part of this."

S.C.A.T.E. Night is still evolving. Ideally, there will be one per month organized by Kobi along with faculty members Mary Dillon and Sarah Baldwin. Baldwin is the one who came up with the name for S.C.A.T.E. Night.

"The community that has emerged from this is so wonderful," Dillon said. "It really shows how art connects us, all of us together. The most important element to S.C.A.T.E. Night has been the art building. Once we had a venue, a place where we could do it, it only took us a couple months to get it going. We probably had 40 people the first night."

There are two more S.C.A.T.E. Nights planned for this school year – April 17 and May 3.